Mar 15, 2013
My PhD Hat
This is the hat that my dear friends and colleagues put together and gave me after my PhD defence. Thanks, it’s awesome! :-)

I think I got all but one reference:
- A runner, because I ran marathon twice during my graduate studies.
- The runner seems to hug a computer which I assume is because I love computers :)
- An Android, because I did some Android development on my spare time.
- A helicopter, since I love flying helicopters and since I got a helicopter lesson as a graduation gift.
- A rubics cube, because I learned to solve it during my graduate studies
- A map over the Java island. No explanation needed there.
- Coffey beans. Not becauses I drink coffey, but, well. See previous reference :)
- Tetris pieces because I’m kind of obsessed with tetris
- Juggling balls because I occasionally practice juggling
- A badge with the text “TCS in- och utkastare” which refers to the fact that I helped older students finish their studies.
- Two little girls because I got my two daughters during my studies.
- A little model of a car on a hill because I was addicted to Hill Climb Racer for a while
- A Gnu because I’m a Linux/GNU user
- The tape measure I have no idea about. If any of my old friends ever stumble accross this page, please enlighten me :-)